Capoeira glossary
abada) white capoeira pants
academia) gym or capoeira school
acarajé) palm oil and prawn pastie pie
aluno) student
Angoleiro) practitioner of capoeira de Angola
apanhar) to be beaten
apelido) nick-name
arraia) stingray
aula) class
Axé) positive energy
bamba) a master of physical sparring and wordplay, a capoeira expert
bantu) group of African tribes/peoples from the north west of Africa
bater) to hit
batizado) the capoeira initiation ceremony, baptism
besouro) beetle
boca) mouth, opening in the gourd of a berimbau
boi) bull
brincadeira) playful game
caiman) small crocodile found in South America
camara) comrades
capoeirista) practioners of capoeira
candomblé) African religion
chamada) call used in the game of capoeira angola, berimbau rhythm to call attention
cintura desprezada) acrobatic exercises to help capoeiristas land on their feet
côco) coconut
contramestre) one level below a master
coqueiro) coconut tree
coração) heart
corda) colored belt awarded to mark advancement in some academies
costas) back (anatomy)
danado) smart
dendé) red palm nut to make palm oil
deus) god
discípulo) disciple, student of a capoeira master
ele/ela) he/she
escravo) slave
eu) I, me
faca) knife
faca de ponta) the point of a knife
facão) machete, large knife
fechado) to be closed, bulletproof
filho/filha) son/daughter
floreios) acrobatic movements
forró) partner dance from the interior of Brazil
folha) seca dry leaves
fome) hunger
força) strength
formatura) graduation ceremony for a new capoeira master
formiga) ant
forte) strong
frente) front
frio) cold
fundamentos) basics, used to describe the philisophical roots of capoeira
galo) rooster
gente) us, we, people
homen) man
hora) hour, time
iaiá, ioiô) terms used by slaves for daughters and sons of the master
irmão/irma) brother/sister
jogador) player of capoeira
jogo) game, a game of capoeira
jacaré) alligator
leve) lightweight
liçao) lesson
ligeiro) nimble, agile, fast
macaco) monkey
macaquinho) little monkey
mãe) mother
malandragem) cunning
malandro) crook or streetwise person
malícia) sneaky, sly, deception, trickery, double-dealing
mandinga) unique style
mandigueiro) sorceror, healer, capoeira player
mangangá) medicine man
mão) hand
mar) sea
marinheiro) sailor
mato) jungle
menino/a) boy/girl
mestre) master
molejo) smooth moves
moeda) coin
morena) dark skinned woman
mulher) woman
muzenza) force of the orixás
não) no
navalha) old fashioned cut-throat/straight razor
negão) strong black man
nego/a) black man/woman
o) the
onça) jaguar
outro) other
Orixás) gods of candomble
pai) father
patuá) amulet worn around the neck for protection against evil and injury
pé) foot
peixe) fish
profesor) teacher
quilombo) fugitive slave community
rabo) tail
raça) race, breed
sabedoria )knowledge
sangue) blood
santo) saint
são) saint
sem) without
senzala) slave house
sertão) plains
seqüência) series of movements learned by players in regional style
sim) yes
sinal) sign
sinhô/ã) boss man/lady
terra) land, earth
você) you
xarél) type of fish from Bahia
xererê) another type of fish from Bahia